Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Mar 13, 2025

Hawkwoman is back in Green Lantern Corps No. 2!

 Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol II) is back! Check out Green Lantern Corps No. 2! Review coming later! 

LINK (One Spoiler Panel)

Mar 9, 2025

Hawkworld Reddit! 50 Members in a Month!

 Hawkworld Reddit just got started exactly a month ago and we reached 50 members today! Daily posting of Hawkworld art, comics, info and news so come join us if you are on Reddit! 

LINK: Hawkworld Reddit

Spoiler Review for JSA #5

JSA No. 5 
Cover Date: May 2025 / Release Date March 5 
Title: Ragnarok Part 5 
Writer: Jeff Lemire 
Art: Olortegui 
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Letterer: Steve Wands 
Cover: Cully Hamner 
Editing: Marquis Draper, Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert. Marie Javins 

   The Hawks are back and the story is really starting to move in all different directions! Spoilers ahead, so if you haven't read the comic yet, please check it out and come back to add your thoughts in the comment section below! 

Mar 3, 2025

Who's wealthier: Hawkman or Batman?


   Who's wealthier: Hawkman or Batman? This is not a debate I've seen very often but it makes a whole lot of sense. Yes, Batman's superpower is that he is rich (so he says), but when you think about it, Hawkman could very well be much, much wealthier than the almighty Batman. 

Feb 23, 2025

DC Comics Solicitations May 2025

JSA #7

    DC Comics' solicitations are out! None of the Hawks are mentioned in the solicitations in anyway this month, but there are two series where they MIGHT show up. There is also a tiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnyyyyy Hawkman on a Superman variant cover so I'll list that as well. Sadly. still no news or rumors of a Hawkman series yet. Keep soaring! 

P.S. I've started a Hawkworld community on Reddit, so come on over! 

Feb 19, 2025

Hawkworld is now on Reddit!

   Hawkworld is now on Reddit! I've been meaning to do this for a while, but since I have deleted Instagram, Threads, and TwitterX, I thought now is a good time as any. I thought a fellow Hawkfan had started a community a few years ago but I could not find it so I decided to start my own. Feel free to come over and join. Tell your friends and let's build the community together! 

Hawkworld Reddit link:

Feb 13, 2025

Hawkwoman appears in Green Lantern Corps No. 1!

Variant by
Ariel Olivetti

Cover by
Fernando Pasarin

Variant by
Gavin Guidry

  We knew it was coming but not sure when. Well, it finally happened. Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol) made a last-page appearance in Green Lantern Corps No. 1, which was released on February 12. Spoilers ahead, so if you haven't read the issue yet and don't want me to spoil it, come back after you have read it. 

Feb 10, 2025

Hawkgirl in Superman Legacy News and Updates

   It's official! It's been announced that Hawkgirl will be in DCU's Superman Legacy. The movie is scheduled to be released on July 11, 2025. This post will follow all the news and updates about Hawkgirl's role in the film. The newest posts will be on top. Come back often to check up on the movie's updates for Hawkgirl! 
Here are Isabela Merced's Instagram, IMDb, and Wikipedia pages! 

February 19, 2025: James Gunn Confirms Hawkgirl’s Wings Will Be Organic in the DCU! 
The article from MAXBLZZ reports that James Gunn answered with one word when a fan asked him if Hawkgirl's wings were organic. 
On Threads, a fan asked James Gunn if Hawkgirl’s wings in the Superman trailer were organic or mechanical, as they were struggling with their eyesight and couldn’t tell. They also thanked Gunn for creating a great cinematic universe.
Gunn simply replied, “Organic.”
There is a lot of debate going on about which Hawkgirl Isabela Merced will portray. I personally think that it will be Kendra for the following reasons:
1. Kendra Saunders is Hispanic. Isabela Merced's mother is from Peru and she considers herself more Peruvian than American. 
2. The current Kendra Saunders in the comics has organic wings. Depending on the artist, they look more metallic but I've seen both. 
3. Hawkman is nowhere around. It appears that Hawkgirl is "employed" by Max Lord as some sort of task force. Knowing Hawkman's character, I would have a hard believing that Carter Hall would join this sort of group. I hope we'll find out where Hawkman is in future movies, but I'm guessing Kendra and Carter work together at times but they usually go their own way. That would fit better with the "proper" Kendra-Carter relationship.

What do you guys think? Definitely interested in what your guess would be. Post it in the comment section below! 

Feb 8, 2025

Dear CBR, Hawkman and Hawkwoman are not over!

   DC's Lex and the City was released on January 29 and we got a bit of a surprise with a 10-page Hawkman story at the very end. I've already written my own review, but I saw a CBR article and I have to give my two cents on that article as well. 

   The CBR article is titled "DC's Most Popular Relationship Is Over" and it pretty much jumps to the conclusion that Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) and Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol) have both abandoned Hawkman (Carter Hall), leaving him alone and pining for Shiera. 

   But reading the article, it's not that conclusive. It just states where things stand now. We all know that nothing in comics is ever permanent, so the title is just a bit of a clickbait, but I have to disagree with a couple of things. 

Feb 6, 2025

Spoiler Alert for JSA No. 4

Cover by Cully Hamner

Variant Cover by Dale Eaglesham

Spoiler alert for JSA No. 4 (released February 5)!