Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Jul 6, 2023

New Hawkworld Social Media: Threads

   A new social media site took off yesterday, and I've wasted no time in adding Hawkworld to it. Threads by Meta is a bit different because I was able to bring over all of my followers on Instagram and invite them to join me so I didn't have to start from scratch like other sites. Hawkworld is already on Facebook and Instagram so might as well! If you have an Instagram site or just getting started on Threads, come give Hawkworld a follow! Address below! 

Hawkworld Threads 

Jul 5, 2023

Screen Rant Article Intro: DCEU Movies Chronologically & By Release Date


   The DCEU as a whole has been a huge mess since it started careening off the tracks around the time when Batman Vs. Superman was released. Snyder ducking out of the Justice League because of a family tragedy and letting another director finish it up was never going to work. The Coronavirus stalled everything. Films were either canceled or constantly pushed back. Pushing back release dates can be tolerated, but needless to say, canceling projects after announcing them is a huge turnoff for fans. DC did/does/will do that way too much. It appears that they have a shallow commitment to their characters, fans, and plans. 

   During the whole process, they started something else on the side, but the side projects ended up being more successful than most of the main projects. If I were David Zazlav, I would have dropped all of it, looked at The Batman and Joker movies, and built my new universe around them. Announce two or three movies at a time. I would have never announced this chapter one schedule that everyone expects to be canceled sooner or later anyway. Marvel may be the day of superhero movies, so let DC be the night. Marvel can be Pg-13, so let DC take the R-rated movies. Make it a dark, serious, dramatic, and unforgettable universe. They need to keep people talking about the potential but instead, they keep letting us talk about the failures.

   And here we are. Waiting for the last two lame duck movies to come out so we can get on with it in 2025. There was so much potential in the DCEU when Man of Steel came out, but they squandered it all away. That's what happens when you don't have faith in the source material or the fans. 

   Enough of my rant. I guess if I knew better that DC or Warner Brothers, I'd be sitting where Zazlav or James Gunn is sitting. We'll just have to trust they'll eventually get it right, or just leave it all behind. Screen Rant put out a helpful article to follow the DCEU in release dates and how they all fit together chronologically. Definitely gonna bookmark this article for future reference. Check it out! LINK

Jul 2, 2023

ScreenRant Article Link: Hawkgirl will be “The Best Comic Run Ever"


   According to Jadzia Axelrod, the writer for the New Hawkgirl series,  the 6-issue series will be the greatest comic run of all time. That's a bold statement, but we'll find out soon enough. I'm still blocked from her Twitter account (No idea why. I've never talked to her or about her) but this tweet was posted on the Screen Rant article

Jul 1, 2023

CBR: 10 DC Comics That Still Need A Sequel

    CBR lists 10 comics that deserve a sequel, and the Hawkman series by Robert Venditti is right in there. The series started out really great, but got derailed a bit by the ridiculous Year-of-the-Villain event in 2019-20. Venditti still was able to keep it going by bringing in Hawkwoman, Atom, and Adam Strange. The last six issues are just as good as the first 13. Vendiiti provided Hawkman and Hawkwoman with a huge setup that could have gone on for years, but DC prematurely ended it in November 2020. It's been almost three years since Hawkman has had his own title now. Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) will be getting her own title this month, so let's hope a Hawkman and Hawkwoman series is not far behind. As Venditti said in an interview, he left the toy box full, so let's hope a writer will take advantage of what Veditti left behind. Check out the article to see the other titles that need a sequel! LINK

MovieWeb: "6 Ways Warner Bros Can Make DC Fans Trust the Brand Again"

Interesting article from MovieWeb today about how DC can regain the DC Fandom's trust. Check it out.


Personally, I think it may be a long time and take a new generation to bring back DC. It feels like DC has blown up the bridge with the current generations.

Jun 30, 2023

Hawkgirl Exclusive Preview on

Art by Amancay NaHuelpan put out an exclusive preview of the new Hawkgirl series by Jadzia Axelrod and Amancay Nahuelpan. A lot more details are shared in the preview so check it out! 

Hawkgirl #1 is out on July 18! 


CBR: Best DC Superhero Friends (including Hawkman and the Atom and the Justice Society!)

Art by Bryan Hitch 

   CBR put out a list of "Best DC Superhero Friends" and a friendship that always makes these lists is Hawkman and Atom. These two have been close pals since 1963, when they first met in Atom #7. I wrote an article about the history of their friendship and why the two of them are so close. I hope this friendship will get some spotlight someday. CW's Legend of Tomorrow completely whiffed on that one. 

CBR: The Year-of-the-Villain Tie-In Almost Ruined Venditti's Hawkman

Hawkman Vol. V No. 17 (December 2019)

   CBR put out an article today about the ridiculous amount of tie-ins that come with events in recent comic events. Instead of helping the event, the tie-ins are mostly unnecessary and ruin other series. The article brings up as an example, Robert Venditti's Hawkman run in 2019. During 2019, DC Comics had a year-long event going on called the Year of the Villain. It started with a group of six heroes who turn evil. Hawkman was one of them. There was a 4-issue miniseries called Hell Arisen that was supposed to feature the six heroes, but it completely flopped and DC lost so much interest that Hawkman (Sky Tyrant) didn't even show up in the last two issues. 

Jun 29, 2023

Gunn Shuts Down Hawkman Spin-Off Plans

   A rather depressing article from a site called The Direct came out today. In an article titled "Black Adam 2: Did DC Cancel Dwayne Johnson's Sequel Plan?" (the answer is yes) by Nathan Johnson, we see the details of what Johnson had planned and also the tidbit again about some plans for a Hawkman spinoff. 

Jun 24, 2023

Hawkman and Hawkgirl: A Hawkfan's Collection


   Finally finished getting my Hawkman collection back up. Still have some stuff to get up, but I'll figure out where to put it some day. It's a joy to see this when I get up in the morning and when I come back home after a long day at work. A collection 46 year in the making and I'm not done yet!