Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Jun 13, 2023

5th Year Anniversary of Hawkman Vol. V

House Ad for Hawkman Vol. V (June 2018)

   Time flies as fast as Hawkman! The first issue of Hawkman Vol. V by Robert Venditti was released on June 13, 2018, 5 years ago today! The most recent Hawkman series continued for 29 issues, ending on November 10, 2020. In the series, it gave us a new origin for Hawkman, introduced us to numerous former lives of Hawkman, such as Catar-Ol of Krypton and Katarthul of Rann, and brought Hawkman and Hawkwoman truly back together for the first time since the Brightest Days series in 2010. The art by Bryan Hitch, Pat Olliffe, Fernando Pasarin and others made it one of the best Hawkman series ever. Since it's conclusion, it has often popped up on comic book reviewers' lists of the best series in recent DC Comics history. 

Jun 12, 2023

Ten Best DC Heroes with Confusing Origins (CBR)


   "Confusing" is pretty much synonymous with Hawkman. If you read an article about Hawkman, confusing is usually in the very first sentence. As a Hawkman fan, it gets monotonous and boring to continue to see it, but for the comic book fan who hasn't really read much Hawkman or gone into his history, I suppose it can't be helped. 
   CBR gave us a whole article about confusing characters, and of course, Hawkman is in there. I found myself actually pleased that Hawkman wasn't listed at No. 1, although I sometimes get the impression the CBR rankings are done randomly or by popularity. 
   The article mentions Robert Venditti's origin, which I would recommend everyone read, which brings a great center to bring Hawkman's history together. The rest of the article was also light reading but a lot of fun to read/ Check it out! LINK

Jun 11, 2023

Hawkgirl Logo History


When DC Comics announced a new Hawkgirl series in March 2023, we soon got a look at the new logo for the 6-issue miniseries. The logo by Amancay Naheulpan was definitely different from anything Hawkgirl has had before. Until now, her logos were basically versions of Hawkman's logos, but this is something uniquely her own. It's also a clever use of her Nth Metal mace. Fan reaction seems to be pretty positive, and it will definitely claim its place in the history of Hawkgirl logos. 

I was curious how many Hawkgirl there have been in the past so I collected all the ones that I've saved over the years. If there is one that I've missed, feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll check it out!

Jun 10, 2023

DC: Best Flash Allies (Game Rant)

    Jeremy Brown put out an article today about Flash's best allies, teams, and friends. I wondered if Hawkman would show up in the article. He did, but it was in the section on the Justice Society. That makes perfect sense since Hawkman and the Flash debuted together in Flash Comics #1 back in 1939 and have been soaring/running together ever since. Brown's article reminded me of two (of many) Hawkman-Flash scenes in the comics. Both came in unexpected ways, so maybe that's why they continue to stick out in my mind.


Ten DC Heroes Who Created Their Own Worst Enemies (CBR)

    Today's article brought to you by CBR includes Hawkman and Hath-Set. To be honest, when I saw the title, I thought that Hawkman and Hawkgirl would be on the list with the Gentleman Ghost. GG was hanged by Nighthawk (a former life of Hawkman) back in the 19th century and became stuck in a ghost-like state until the Hawks' reincarnation cycle is finished. For me, this one would fit the article better, but I suppose Hath-Set is the original Hawkman villain and therefore the more obvious choice. 

Jun 9, 2023

Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman Costumes Through the Years

   A couple of years ago, I used the art from the DC Microheroes site and made a chart of all the looks that the Hawkman have had over the years. Just by looking at a costume, I think most comic book fans can tell what era it is from. Which is your favorite look for Hawkman and Hawkgirl? 

Nth Metal's Control of Gravity

   We all know about the anti-gravity powers that Nth Metal gives the wearer. It's been revealed that the Nth metal is psycho-receptive and can control all the fundamental forces of the universe. I've mentioned this is posts and tweets before, but I have often wondered in the past if Nth metal could also increase the weight of something. Imagine the powers that would give Hawkman. We've seen them lift things like cars or airplanes with the Nth Metal, but what if they could make them super-heavy? 

   In Superman Batman Public Enemies, we saw a fight between Superman and Hawkman. Hawkman used his Claw of Horus and Superman was "hit with the core of the planet." This means Hawkman was able to...

Jun 8, 2023

New Hawkgirl Series Coming in July

   It has been announced that a new 6-issue miniseries of Hawkgirl will start on July 18. Ever since the Dawn of DC chart came out last year, fans had been wondering what was coming, and it was finally announced a couple of months ago. The writer will be Jadzia Axelrod and the art will be done by Amancay Nahuelpan. Here is the intro that we got for the first issue:

Hawkman, the Pulp Comic Hero

    CBR's Ashley Land put out a ranking of the top pulp comic heroes, and Hawkman showed up on the list. It's not too surprising, since Hawkman is a good example of how something was created from pulp fiction. LINK 

Here's part of what she says, 

Jun 6, 2023

CBR Article: 10 Best Supernatural DC Heroes

CBR's Ashley Land put out an article today on the 10 best supernatural heroes from DC. It's the usual light reading and very debatable, but guess what number Hawkman comes in at! LINK

Hawkman's books walk a line between adventure, science fiction and the mystical. His main supernatural element stems from his power of reincarnation, with the hero having lived dozens of lives across time and space. His unending existence is credited to a godlike entity who gave him his ability. cont.