Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Apr 11, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 11: "A Cast of Hawks"

By Tim Board

We all read comics books for different reasons. To experience the joy, the horror, the suspense, the exhilaration, the madness or the silliness. We pick up a comic book in expectation of how it will make us feel while reading it. We always have an opinion about it, whether it was good or bad. Some comics books surprise us, make us gasp in surprise, laugh out loud, and even get a bit emotional. When that happens, that comic book stays in our memory, making us smile when we remember back to when we first read it.

Apr 9, 2019

55 Things I Love About Hawkman

On the occasion of my 55th, I made a list of 55 things I love about Hawkman!
Art by Adam Kubert (background added by Tim Board)

1.      Adam Strange
2.      Aerial Abilities
3.      Archaeologist
4.      Atom

Mar 31, 2019

Hawk Talk Episode #5: How I fell in awe with Hawkman

Hawk Talk Episode #4 is up! LINK

1. Contents
2. Get the Hawkman Comic! 
3. How I fell in awe with Hawkman 
4. Upcoming Hawkman and Hawkgirl comics 
5. This week in Hawkworld History: Happy Birthday, Katar!

Mar 24, 2019

Will Conrad; New Hawkman Artist!

Will Conrad (Photo from Buffy Verse Wiki)
When the DC Comics solicitations for May 2019 came out last week, we found out that Bryan Hitch was leaving the series, and that Will Conrad would be doing the art for Hawkman No. 13. It's sad to see Bryan leave the series, as his work with writer Robert Venditti has been amazing for Hawkman. Their twelve issues together have become a turning point in the history of the Winged Warrior.
We still have two issues of Bryan Hitch's Hawkman to look forward to before Conrad takes over in June. But let's look ahead at the artist who will be doing Hawkman next. Here are some details:

Hawk Talk Episode #4: The Continuity of the Current Hawkman

Hawk Talk Episode #4 is up! Link 

1. Contents
2. Get the Hawkman comic!
3. The continuity of Hawkman/Carter Hall in the current Hawkman series. 
3. This week in Hawkworld History
4. Upcoming comics with Hawkman and Hawkgirl
5. Reminder for Hawkgirl Day, April 25th

Mar 16, 2019

Hawk Talk Episode #3: Hawkman No. 10 / Bryan Hitch Leaving the Series

Hawk Talk Episode No. 3 is up!  Link

1. Today's content
2. Get the Hawkman comic!
3. Bryan Hitch's Ideas for Hawkman's Costume and Mace
4. Review of Hawkman No. 11
5. This Week in Hawkworld History
6. Upcoming Hawkman Comics
7. Reminder for Hawkgirl Day
8. Bryan Hitch Leaving the Hawkman Series

My Love Affair with Bryan Hitch's Hawkman

We found out today that Bryan Hitch's run on the current Hawkman series will end with issue No. 12. I've known this for a while, but the official news made me reflect on the amazing run that Bryan has had with Hawkman. My love affair with Bryan's Hawkman began on December 29, 2017. That was the day Hawkman Found was released. I'll never forget it. I really didn't know what to expect but I was stunned. It was absolutely the most beautiful Hawkman comic I had ever seen. I had never seen the wings drawn that way and in such detail. The expressions of Carter Hall. Those Manhawks. The issue was a masterpiece and I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted more. And then about two and a half months later, my wish became reality.

Mar 14, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 10: "London Falling"

   It's a good thing February was a short month. The pressure in the current Hawkman story by Robert Venditti and Bryan Hitch has been building up steam ever since the first issue and at the end of No. 9, you could start to hear that ear-piercing whistle starting to blow. Well, the lid just blew off in issue No. 10.

Mar 11, 2019

Dear Warner Brothers, Soaringly from a Hawkfan

An Open Message to  Warner Bros Pictures,
By Tim Board

Art by Bryan Hitch and Jeremiah Skipper
(Background added by Tim Board)
Before you start making a Hawkman movie, I thought I should let you know what a Hawkfan thinks Hawkman should be. Sorry if I'm wrong. But I keep thinking that you're gonna make Hawkman/Carter Hall a stalking, creepy, rage monster who doesn't have enough sense than to go charging at Superman-level foes and getting swatted away. You want Hawkman to be a success? Then do this:

Mar 10, 2019

Hawk Talk Episode #2: The Nine Changes Robert Venditti

Hawk Talk Episode #2!
1. Promoting the new series!
2. The nine changes Robert Venditti has brought to the new Hawkman series.
3. Upcoming Hawkman/Hawkgirl comics
4. Thoughts about the Hawkman movie news