Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Mar 10, 2019

Movie Rumors: Hawkman said to be in the Black Adam movie, then movie with Hawkgirl!

Hawkman vs. Black Adam (Art by Doug Mahnke)
We received news from Charles Murphy on the website that Hawkman is going to be in the Black Adam movie. Apparently writer Adam Szytkiel is wiring a script that includes Hawkman, Stargirl and the Atom Smasher. They are apparently looking for an actor who is between the ages of 30-39 and who has a physique that makes him look like he can go toe-to-toe with Black Adam. Production for the movie is scheduled to begin at the beginning of this year so stay tuned for more news. LINK
Also, Matthew Joseph at the WeGotThisCovered website reported that his has sources confirming that Warner Brothers is planning a Hawkman/Hawkgirl movie. No actors have been announced and there are no other details except that they are looking for a Muslim (???) actor to play the part. LINK
Let's keep our ears open for more news and let's also hope that Black Adam doesn't bomb. There was a Hawkman movie in the works back in 2011, but the Green Lantern movie (2011) killed all plans for that. Let's hope the plans will finally happen this time!

Mar 2, 2019

HAWK TALK! Talking about everything Hawkworld!

Hawk Talk is soaring! The very first podcast of Hawk Talk is out! LINK
1. Welcome to Hawk Talk
2. Promoting the current Hawkman series
3. Why Hawkman Matters
4. Q&A
5. This week in Hawkworld: Sheldon Moldoff, Death of Hawkman No. 6
6. Hawkgirl Day
7. Fan promoting the current Hawkman series
8. Upcoming Hawkman/Hawkgirl Comics

Feb 23, 2019

Figures Toy Company Super Powers Hawkman!

The Figures Toy Company (FTC) is releasing two versions of a Hawkman figure in March! Article

Hawkman and Hawkgirl in a new team called the Detectives Guild!

Detective Comics No. 1000 is coming out on March 27th. The first story of the 96-page issue will introduce a new team called the Detectives Guild. It is a team created by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. the team consists of Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Elongated Man, the Question, Detective Chimp, Slam Bradley, Traci thirteen and of course, Batman. Not many details have been released about the team, but it will center on Batman's training to becoming the world's greatest detective.'s article on the issue is here.
You can find Snyder talking a bit about the team in an article on a site called Resetera. Not sure if this is a one-shot deal or if it will continue in Detective Comics for a while. Stay tuned.

Feb 13, 2019

Board Review of Hawkman No. 9: "Descent"

The Hawkman series by Robert Venditti and Bryan Hitch has finally entered the final climax. After going through time and space and discovering who he really is/was, meeting three of his former selves, recovering his space ship, and failing to find the weapon to defeat the Deathbringers, Carter Hall is back on Earth to face the enemy. It appears that the final four issues will bring us the battle between Hawkman and the enemy that he has dreaded for so long.

Feb 10, 2019

Hawkman and Hawkgirl Wedding Anniversary: White Wedding by Billy Idol

According to the 1976 DC Calendar, Katar and Shayera Hol's Wedding Anniversary is on February 14th! Here is a video to celebrate the anniversary!

Feb 5, 2019

The Hawkman and Hawkwoman/Hawkgirl Flowchart Update

This is for all the Hawkman, Hawkwoman and Hawkgirl fans to look over and check. Lots of theories out there but I tried to put it all together. Feel free to comment or make suggestions below. Click photo to enlarge.

Jan 27, 2019

The Evolution of Hawkman on TV!

A history of Hawkman on TV was posted by Nightstroke on YouTube. Check it out! 

Solving the Mystery of Thanagar Prime and Shayera Hol of the Justice League Series

In Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV's recent Hawkworld storyline in Justice League No. 14-16, we were introduced to a Shayera Hol who we did not recognize, Katar Hol aka The Savage Hawkman from the Death of Hawkman series, and a Thanagar we have never seen before. Since the Hawkworld storyline came out in December, Hawkfans have been wondering who these characters are. There has been a lot of debate about it. However, writer James Tynion IV graciously answered some questions on Twitter today, so with those facts, I'll try to break it down and explain who these characters are. There is no complete explanation, and there will still be some debate, but that's half the fun,  right? So, let's fly in and see if we can break it down.

Jan 23, 2019

My Wall of Hawkinspiration!

Here's my wall of Hawkman art, comics, commissions, figures, badges, pins, cards, shirts, hats, and everything else in between!