Hawkworld started 4 years ago on January 15, 2016. Since then, I've met many awesome fellow Hawkfans on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on this blog. One of those fans is Luke Edd. Actually, Luke is one of the people who inspired me to start Hawkworld in the first place. Luke created maybe one of the very first Hawkman blogs back in 2008. "Being Carter Hall" covered Hawkman and Hawkgirl comics and news for many years. I enjoyed reading his articles and he just may have been the one who planted the idea in my head to start Hawkworld. Soon after I started Hawkworld, Luke joined the group and shared many things with Hawkfans over the last few years. To help celebrate Hawkworld's 4th anniversary, Luke shared his love for the character and graciously allowed me to share it with anyone else so here it is!