Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)
Showing posts with label JSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JSA. Show all posts

Mar 9, 2025

Spoiler Review for JSA #5

JSA No. 5 
Cover Date: May 2025 / Release Date March 5 
Title: Ragnarok Part 5 
Writer: Jeff Lemire 
Art: Olortegui 
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Letterer: Steve Wands 
Cover: Cully Hamner 
Editing: Marquis Draper, Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert. Marie Javins 

   The Hawks are back and the story is really starting to move in all different directions! Spoilers ahead, so if you haven't read the comic yet, please check it out and come back to add your thoughts in the comment section below! 

Feb 6, 2025

Spoiler Alert for JSA No. 4

Cover by Cully Hamner

Variant Cover by Dale Eaglesham

Spoiler alert for JSA No. 4 (released February 5)! 

Jan 2, 2025

JSA #3 Review

JSA No. 3 ( March 2025) 
Release Date: January 1, 2025 
Script: Jeff Lemire
Pencils\Inks: Diego Olortegui 
Colors: Luis Guerrero 
Cover: Cully Hamner
Editing: Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert 

   JSA No. 2 ended with Hawkman being apparently killed by a demon. With the reincarnation cycle finally ended (Hawkman Vol. V No. 26), this is truly the end of Hawkman or he finds a way out. There are major spoilers ahead so go read the issue first before you read the rest of my review! 

Dec 28, 2024

Preview of JSA No. 3

 JSA No. 3 is coming out on January 1, but AIPT comics site posted a preview of the issue. If you read the last issue, Hawkman had a demonic sword thrust thru his chest. Is he dead? Hard to imagine how he'll get out of this one. And remember, the reincarnation cycle has been completed so if he dies, that's the end. No more reincarnation. Click the link below to check out the preview! 


Dec 6, 2024

JSA #2 Review

JSA No. 2 (February 2025)
Script: Jeff Lemire
Pencils/Inks: Diego Olortegui
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover: Diego Olortegui 
Editing: Andrew MarinoMarquis DraperKatie Kubert 

   The new JSA series kicked off with a bang in issue No. 1. Writer Jeff Lemire didn't waste any time getting the action going and in this issue, we get a flashback of how our heroes ended up being attacked by the Injustice Society in separate locations. The Injustice Society is pretty ruthless here and the JSA clearly have their backs up against a wall. It's nice to see Hawkman villains Gentleman Ghost and Shadow Thief showing their stuff. Hawkman (Carter Hall) and Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) are outside the Tower of Fate and holding back the army from Hell but they are clearly overwhelmed. The issue ends with Jay Garrick smashed by Solomon Grundy, Jakeem still a coma, and finally Hawkman apparently impaled through the chest with a demon's flaming sword. 

Nov 9, 2024

JSA #1 Review

JSA No. 1 (January 2025)

   The new JSA series has kicked off! This review will be solely from a Hawkman/Hawkgirl point of view so if you're looking for a more complete review, please check out the other sites. 

   Jeff Lemire's series has finally kicked off and to be honest, it's a bit of a disappointment, from a Hawkfan's perspective of course. It appears that the Infinity INC and the Justice Society are together now and the younger heroes are trying to figure out why the veteran heroes suddenly vanished and where they went. While they squabble over how things should be done, it's revealed that the older members are in the Tower of Fate. Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, Wildcat, and Dr. Fate are trying to find a way out while Hawkman and Hawkgirl are outside fighting off the "locals." At the end of the issue, we find out that the Injustice Society may be behind it. 

Oct 20, 2024

Hawkman featured in JSA No. 3


Hawkman featured in JSA No. 3 (Release Date January 1, 2025) 

It appears that Hawkman will be featured in JSA No. 3. Here are the solicitations notes from First Comics News.

After sacrificing his reincarnation for one last life with the woman he loves, Hell is the last place Hawkman wants to be right now! With his allies at the Tower of Fate under siege by the Injustice Society, can he escape Wotan’s clutches—or is his goose truly cooked?

 It still concerns me why Kendra is being paired with Carter instead of Shayera. I thought we were finally done with the whole Carter-Kendra flip-flop soap opera with the horrible Hawkgirl series. The notes seem to indicate that they are going with where Venditti's series left off, but why isn't it Shayera? I guess we'll have to wait and find out. Writer Jeff Lemire is one of the best so I have faith that he will prove me wrong and bring in Shayera. Time will tell. 

Cully Hamner

Sweeny Boo

Dustin Nguyen

Jul 31, 2024

New JSA Series by Jeff Lemire Featuring Hawkman and Hawkgirl

Art by Diego Olortegui

   It has been announced that a new JSA/Infinity Inc. series by Jeff Lemire will start a month after the current Justice Society by Geoff Johns ends. Currently, the last issue of Justice Society is scheduled to end in September, but the series has been plagued by delays since it began so it could be postponed again. The art will be by Diego Olortegui. 

Nov 23, 2019

Hawkman and Black Adam: Egyptian Connection

Art by Alex Ross
Back in March 2019, we received the surprising news that the upcoming Black Adam movie starring Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock will feature Hawkman, Stargirl, and Atom Smasher. That news was confirmed by The Rock himself during the end of August and again in November, saying the movie would start production in 2020, and that it would definitely feature Hawkman. The casting has not been announced yet, but it has been rumored that The Rock is looking for someone who is in his 30s and with the physique that can go toe-to-toe with Black Adam. Until they announce an actor for the part, it's all just rumors and speculation, but let's take a look at the interesting relationship these two DC Comics characters have with each other.