Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)
Showing posts with label Hawkman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawkman. Show all posts

Mar 3, 2025

Who's wealthier: Hawkman or Batman?


   Who's wealthier: Hawkman or Batman? This is not a debate I've seen very often but it makes a whole lot of sense. Yes, Batman's superpower is that he is rich (so he says), but when you think about it, Hawkman could very well be much, much wealthier than the almighty Batman. 

Feb 23, 2025

DC Comics Solicitations May 2025

JSA #7

    DC Comics' solicitations are out! None of the Hawks are mentioned in the solicitations in anyway this month, but there are two series where they MIGHT show up. There is also a tiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnyyyyy Hawkman on a Superman variant cover so I'll list that as well. Sadly. still no news or rumors of a Hawkman series yet. Keep soaring! 

P.S. I've started a Hawkworld community on Reddit, so come on over! 

Feb 8, 2025

Dear CBR, Hawkman and Hawkwoman are not over!

   DC's Lex and the City was released on January 29 and we got a bit of a surprise with a 10-page Hawkman story at the very end. I've already written my own review, but I saw a CBR article and I have to give my two cents on that article as well. 

   The CBR article is titled "DC's Most Popular Relationship Is Over" and it pretty much jumps to the conclusion that Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) and Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol) have both abandoned Hawkman (Carter Hall), leaving him alone and pining for Shiera. 

   But reading the article, it's not that conclusive. It just states where things stand now. We all know that nothing in comics is ever permanent, so the title is just a bit of a clickbait, but I have to disagree with a couple of things. 

Feb 6, 2025

Spoiler Alert for JSA No. 4

Cover by Cully Hamner

Variant Cover by Dale Eaglesham

Spoiler alert for JSA No. 4 (released February 5)! 

Feb 3, 2025

Hawkman Story in DC's Lex and the City

From DC's Lex and the City (March 2025)

   We got a bit of a surprise last week when Hawkman unexpectedly appeared in a story in the issue titled DC's Lex and the City.  The book is a collection of eight anthology stories and Hawkman's story is the last story in the book. Below is a spoiler-rich review of the story, so if you haven't read it yet, go check it out! 

Feb 2, 2025

Jeremy Adams Hints at a Relationship between Hawkwoman and John Stewart.

JSA No. 6

Green Lantern Corps No. 3

   In the current Green Lantern Corps series, Hawkwoman will be making an appearance in March. She will be fighting alongside John Stewart and some of the other Green Lanterns to save Thanagar. First, here are some comments that Jeremy Adams made about Hawkwoman in a recent interview (from Newsorama):

Jan 25, 2025

DC Comics Solicitations April 2025

   The DC Comics solicitations for April 2025 are out! The big surprise is that there are, not one, but two comics with Hawkwoman on the cover! After being missing in action for so long, it's nice to see her making something of a comeback. In JSA No. 6, there's the ominous note that one JSA member will not make it out of the Tower of Fate alive. (Better not be Hawkman...)

Jan 20, 2025

Gift from Hawkman Artist Philip Tan!

Hawkman by Philip Tan

   I received a very special surprise in the mail today! I have enjoyed getting to know Philip Tan through the Hawkworld group on Facebook over the years. The other day he messaged me to say that he had sent me something. I received it today and it blew me away! 
   Philip Tan was the artist for the Savage Hawkman series in 2011-2012! He drew seven of the first eight issues of the series. He has also done work in many other titles such as Iron Man, Spawn and the Uncanny X-Men! 

   Philip sent me two profile pieces of Hawkman. The red one says 飛べ、TIMさん which means Soar, Tim! He also sent me a signed copy of his book titled Ktar/カタ―!Check out the link to it on Facebook! 

Thank you so much, Philip! Check out Philip's sites for some stunning art! 

Jan 13, 2025

The Nth Anniversary of Hawkworld!

Hawkworld (Originally called Hawkman Winged Warrior) First Group Banner by Joe Prado

     January 15, 2025 is the Nth anniversary of Hawkworld! I started Hawkworld on Facebook back in 2016 and what a ride it has been. When I was a kid reading comics, I sent out a few letters to the comics, but my letters were never published. I could only dream about interacting with the creators of the characters that I loved reading about. When I began Hawkworld on Facebook, I never expected for that to change. I just wanted to start a place where I could talk about Hawkman and interact with my fellow Hawkfans. What happened is something I never expected, and it still leaves me a bit blown away when I think about all that has happened. Here are some of the highlights during the last nine years with Hawkworld. 

Jan 8, 2025

Predictions for Hawkworld 2025

Predictions and Hopes for Hawkworld 2025

   It's been a slow few years for Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Ever since the end of the Hawkman series in 2021 and Justice League in 2022, it's been a long run of cameos, cover art appearances, and a few sudden appearances here and there with a line or two at best. Hawkgirl has had it a bit better, with her continued appearances with the Justice League, and the announcement of her role in the upcoming Superman movie. We'll ignore that disastrous Hawkgirl mini-series and just move on like it never happened. 
   So what will we see for the Hawks in 2025? Here are a few bold predictions for 2025. 

Jan 6, 2025

Debunking a Hawkgirl Article

   Screen Rant came out with an article today titled "DC Flips the Script on Hawkman and Hawkgirl's Dynamic." Here is the link to the article. I have some things to say about the article.  

ScreenRant Article Heading

Jan 2, 2025

JSA #3 Review

JSA No. 3 ( March 2025) 
Release Date: January 1, 2025 
Script: Jeff Lemire
Pencils\Inks: Diego Olortegui 
Colors: Luis Guerrero 
Cover: Cully Hamner
Editing: Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert 

   JSA No. 2 ended with Hawkman being apparently killed by a demon. With the reincarnation cycle finally ended (Hawkman Vol. V No. 26), this is truly the end of Hawkman or he finds a way out. There are major spoilers ahead so go read the issue first before you read the rest of my review! 

Jan 1, 2025

First Sunrise of Hawkworld 2025!

 May the Year 2025 be a year of health, new challenges, and reaching new heights! Happy New Year! 

Dec 29, 2024

Review of Hawkworld 2024

   The Year 2024 was another year of waiting, searching, and being disappointed that ended with a bit more to look forward to in 2025. In comics, Hawkman and Hawkgirl appear to be back as regular members of the JSA series, unlike the disastrous, horribly delayed Justice Society series by Geoff Johns that ended mercifully in October. In the movies, Hawkgirl was in and out of the news thanks to the upcoming Superman Legacy film. Here are the highlights of Hawkworld 2024.

Dec 28, 2024

Preview of JSA No. 3

 JSA No. 3 is coming out on January 1, but AIPT comics site posted a preview of the issue. If you read the last issue, Hawkman had a demonic sword thrust thru his chest. Is he dead? Hard to imagine how he'll get out of this one. And remember, the reincarnation cycle has been completed so if he dies, that's the end. No more reincarnation. Click the link below to check out the preview! 


Dec 26, 2024

The Artists of Hawkman and Hawkgirl

   I put together two montages of many of the artists who have done Hawkman and Hawkgirl over the years. Hawkman and Hawkgirl are characters who have been blessed with some of the greatest artists in comics. I'll list the full names of the artists below. If there is someone you think I should add next time, feel free to let me know in the comments! 

Dec 21, 2024

DC Comics Solicitations 2025 March

 The solicitations for DC Comics March 2025 are out. There are some Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman news so check out the issues below! 

JSA No. 5 (Released date March 5) Note: Good news! Hawkman (Hawkgirl also) is on the cover so he may be alive. (With covers you never know.)

Art by Cully Hamner

The JSA have a lead on a KOBRA facility preparing for their next terrorist attack. But which faction of the team will make it to the facility first, and what will it mean for the future of the world’s first super-team?!

Dec 16, 2024

Petition for The Shadow War of Hawkman and Hawkman Vol. 2

    Way back in 1968, Hawkman's first solo run ended and he was teamed up with the Atom in the retitled Atom series, but The Atom and Hawkman lasted only 7 issues before being canceled. It began a long period where you would have to go to the Justice League of America series, backup features in Detective Comics, or stories in the World's Finest Comics to find the Hawks. Despite being almost a first-tier or strong second-tier hero in DC Comics during this time, Hawkman was without his own series for a very long time. 

House Ad for The Shadow War of Hawkman (1985)


Dec 6, 2024

JSA #2 Review

JSA No. 2 (February 2025)
Script: Jeff Lemire
Pencils/Inks: Diego Olortegui
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover: Diego Olortegui 
Editing: Andrew MarinoMarquis DraperKatie Kubert 

   The new JSA series kicked off with a bang in issue No. 1. Writer Jeff Lemire didn't waste any time getting the action going and in this issue, we get a flashback of how our heroes ended up being attacked by the Injustice Society in separate locations. The Injustice Society is pretty ruthless here and the JSA clearly have their backs up against a wall. It's nice to see Hawkman villains Gentleman Ghost and Shadow Thief showing their stuff. Hawkman (Carter Hall) and Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) are outside the Tower of Fate and holding back the army from Hell but they are clearly overwhelmed. The issue ends with Jay Garrick smashed by Solomon Grundy, Jakeem still a coma, and finally Hawkman apparently impaled through the chest with a demon's flaming sword. 

Nov 16, 2024

Hawkworld on Bluesky!

 Bluesky has been around since 2019. Hawkworld received an invitation for it back in 2021. It was a bit slow at first, but it has really taken off during the last month. Hawkworld is there and trying to post daily. Also, there is a TON of comic book creators jumping on to Bluesky as well! So if you are interested in a rapidly growing social media site and want some Hawk-content, come give Hawkworld a follow and come soar the friendly skies! 

Blue Sky Hawkworld