Mar 15, 2025

Why Hawkman and Hawkwoman Matter: A DC Comics News Article by Matthew Lloyd


   Matthew Lloyd wrote a great article for DC Comics News about the apparent return of the Shayera Hol and John Stewart's relationship and why Hawkman and Hawkwoman belong together. 
Ok. I’m going to TRY to make this POSITIVE. Unfortunately, it’s inspired by the recent appearances of Hawkwoman in Green Lantern Corps. The first two issues have teased something…terrible for fans of the Hawks. It’s easy to get upset and come out swinging with criticism…don’t worry, it’ll come. Eventually. I’m trying to start with lauding the most significant aspect of Hawkman and Hawkwoman/ girl (she shall be Hawkwoman for the remainder of the article as it’s a name change and not necessarily a different character being referenced- unless it is!). So, what’s unique and special about the Hawks? What’s the one thing about them that is significantly different from other characters and why does it set them apart and why does it matter?
   He also graciously included some of my article on the history of the Hawks. Check out the full article here and leave a comment for if you can! 

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