Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Mar 9, 2025

Spoiler Review for JSA #5

JSA No. 5 
Cover Date: May 2025 / Release Date March 5 
Title: Ragnarok Part 5 
Writer: Jeff Lemire 
Art: Olortegui 
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Letterer: Steve Wands 
Cover: Cully Hamner 
Editing: Marquis Draper, Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert. Marie Javins 

   The Hawks are back and the story is really starting to move in all different directions! Spoilers ahead, so if you haven't read the comic yet, please check it out and come back to add your thoughts in the comment section below! 
   Hawkman (Carter Hall III) was rescued from Wotan and his demons by a girl ghost who claims that she is Kid Eternity. I don't recall these two ever being together, so it might be interesting to see if there is a connection that led her to Hawkman. She sets Hawkman free but they are immediately attacked by the demons. Kendra flies in and helps Carter recover his wings, helmet, and mace from the demons and they head back to the Tower of Fate. I'm curious to find out how Kendra was able to find Carter so easily. She must have tracking abilities that rivals Dawnstar of the Legion. Maybe the Nth metal is a beacon for others who wear it. So Hawkman was rescued, he got his stuff back, and he didn't die. That's a major win for Hawkman. 

   A quick word about Kid Eternity. According to Wiki, the character first appeared back in 1942. He was a boy who died too soon and was given life and powers to summon any historical or mythological creature and also turn immaterial and invisible. The character has been rebooted a few times but hasn't appeared much in the last 30 years. This character might have an interesting impact on Hawkman's battle with Gentleman Ghost if it happens. 

   The demons have referred to Carter as "The Thanagarian" a few times This has been brought up by a few Hawkfans. The current Hawkman is Carter Hall III of Earth, so it was curious to see him called that. My guess is that the demons have lived a long time, long enough to see Hawkman in many reincarnations. Also, he is carrying Nth metal, which is Thanagarian, so perhaps they called him that by association. At any rate, I don't think that there is an editing error in this case. 

   I am also thankful for the fact that Carter and Kendra are not displaying any feelings of romantic love between each other. Despite where they appear to be heading in the Green Lantern Corps series with Shayera Hol/Hawkwoman and John Stewart (gawd no), Carter and Kendra seem to have finally resolved their relationship. Still, I would prefer to see Hawkgirl over in the Justice League and Hawkwoman in the JSA. 

   In another Hawk-related event, Gentleman Ghost and Solomon Grundy arrive at the gates of Hell to find Hawkman. It's been way too long since we saw a good battle between Hawkman and the Gentleman Ghost. That would be fun to see. 

   As for the rest of the issue, Dr. Midnight finds Obsidian's unconscious body and escapes, Obsidian's consciousness finds Jakeem and they are trying to escape from wherever it is they are, Jade starts to figure out something is going on with Obsidian, and a huge horde from hell is bearing down on Green Lantern, Flash, Wildcat, and Dr. Fate in the Tower of Fate. 
   Writer Jeff Lemire has managed to juggle a whole lot of storylines while keeping us engaged. No small feat with so many characters. While the Justice League always feels like its main focus is the event or crisis, the Justice Society always seems to be more centered on the characters and how their relationships with each other affect the battles. Lemire seems to understand that and is using it well. 

   The art by Diego Olortegui reminds me of Pat Olliffe's work in Hawkman Vol. V, but with a better inker. His spread panel of the hordes approaching the Tower of Fate was amazing. It's not perfect, but overall the art is fun to look at and he does well with each different scene. I hope he stays on the series because I am starting to like this look for Hawkman and Hawkgirl. 
   We're heading for the big showdown where the solicitations for April mentioned a JSA member falling. After the heart-warming scene that we got between Wildcat and Dr. Fate a couple of issues ago, my guess is that Wildcat will finally use up his last life. As long as it's not Hawkman for a change! 

JSA No. 6 comes out on April 2! 



  1. I’m predicting it’s Khalid that dies.

    -Matthew Lloyd

  2. I hope there's still time to see Hawkman crack some skulls! Not enough mace-to-face in this book.


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