Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Mar 22, 2025

DC Comics Solicitations June 2025

Art by Scott Knoblish

   DC Comics June 2025 solicitations are out! Hawkman and Hawkgirl continue their run in the JSA series, but there is no mention or sighting of Hawkwoman in the Green Lantern Corps this month. There is a new series by Mark Waid called The New History of the DC Universe. It appears to be the history or DC through the eyes of Barry Allan, at least the first issue is. Not expecting much from this, but we'll see what happens. Here are the details for the three comics, including Green Lantern Corps. 

Cover art by Michael Cho

JSA No. 7 
Release date June 4 
A tale from the early days of the Justice Society of America! As the dust from World War II settles, the JSA makes its way into Europe to recover the powerful artifact that prevented it entering the warfront…the Spear of Destiny!

Green Lantern Corps No. 5
Release Date June 11 
(No mention of Hawkwoman but we'll keep an eye out!) 

Variant over art by Mike Cho

The New History of the Universe No. 1
Release date: June 25 
Possible appearances by Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Hawkwoman 

In celebration of 90 years of DC, super fan and writer Mark Waid turns back time to the very beginning of the DC Universe in a four-issue miniseries drawn by some of DC’s greatest artists and told by the newest chronicler of time, Barry Allen, the Flash! In our debut issue, Barry takes us from the very birth of the DC Universe to the rise of the Justice Society. The Golden Age of heroes begins here!

That's it for June! The wait for a Hawkman comic continues! As always, if you see the Hawks pop up unexpectedly in your favorite comics, let us know! 

Join Hawkworld! 

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