Feb 13, 2025

Hawkwoman appears in Green Lantern Corps No. 1!

Variant by
Ariel Olivetti

Cover by
Fernando Pasarin

Variant by
Gavin Guidry

  We knew it was coming but not sure when. Well, it finally happened. Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol) made a last-page appearance in Green Lantern Corps No. 1, which was released on February 12. Spoilers ahead, so if you haven't read the issue yet and don't want me to spoil it, come back after you have read it. 

   The Green Lantern Corps is back to policing and helping the universe where it is needed. John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Sinestro (he's green again?!) and a whole bunch of other Lanterns I'm not familiar with are working to put their corps back together. Towards the end of the issue, Jessica Cruz tells John that he has been asked by name for help. He immediately gets a bad vibe and hears a familiar voice. With a worried, troubled look, he turns around to see Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol I assume) standing there. 

From Green Lantern Corps No. 1

   But this ain't any Hawkwoman I've ever seen. She has red eyes (the helmet shades), red red lips, pinkish red hair, a wicked-looking morning star mace, the tightest Nth metal-leather costume ever made this side of the Polaris Galaxy, and a sneer that can mean all kinds of things. 

   This reaction by John Stewart was not what I was expecting. There have been rumors about a John Stewart-Shayera Hol reunion, and if it is anything similar to the Justice League cartoon from the early 2000s, then there would be some kind of lingering romantic connection between the two. Thankfully, that is not what appears to be what we have here. These two definitely have some sort of past, but I guess we'll find out later. But John definitely did not seem to be too thrilled to see her. 

From Green Lantern Corps No. 1

   I have to say, I love this version of Shayera Hol. It continues from the Shayera Thal that we got in the Hawkworld/Hawkman Vol. 3 series. This is the badass, hit first-ask questions later, take-no-prisoners hothead that Carter Hall was/is always trying to rein in but not always successfully. 

   We'll have to see what exactly John and Shayera's relationship is, but I personally hope this goes nowhere near a romantic connection again. Carter is on Earth with the Justice Society, doing his duty while Shayera, who was the Empress of Thanagar last time we checked, is doing hers on Thanagar so they're apart for now, but I crossing my fingers as tightly as possible and hoping that Jeremy Adams (and Jeff Lemire over in the JSA book) keep the Hawks together. No more Justice League cartoon or Geoff Johns' Kendra flippity floppity soap opera that is never resolved. Please. Hawkman and Hawkwoman belong together, that is when they are the most interesting, and there is no need to bring in other love interests for either of them. Let Shayera bash some heads in, tell John and Guy Gardner where to go, and head on back to Earth as soon as possible. 

Green Lantern Corps No. 2 is out on March 12. 


  1. Just from that one panel and splash page, I'd say the writer is 100% hinting at Hawkwoman being John's ex in some fashion. You might be too hopeful, Time haha. We'll wait and see, with fingers crossed that you're right

    1. "too hopeful, Tim" not Time...phones are so smart yet they constantly autocorrect wrongly

    2. Yeah, I got the same “ex” vibe, she’s looking “thirsty” IMO. And John’s concern read like a relationship that ended badly.

      -Matthew Lloyd

    3. I'm just relieved that they don't seem to be pining over each other. Whatever it was, it's over and done with and John got burned bad.

  2. DC hates the Hawks as a couple.

    1. They do seem incapable of writing a strong, solid couple. It's been going on for 25 years now. Venditti had the right idea and it was the best Hawkman story in a long time. Follow his lead.

  3. Seems that way. Can’t be sure just yet, but it’s not looking good.

    -Matthew Lloyd

    1. Hawkfans/DC fans expect the worst but always hope for the best!

  4. John Stewart and Shayera definitely going to be a couple. Adams and Hampton big fans of the cartoon, the Lex special said that Carter wasn't with Shayera or Kendra and Lemire said he has his own plans and reasons for the hawks. My bet - Carter, Kendra and Shayera, John and I really wish it had been Carter, Shayera and John, Kendra like others. Credit where credit is due though, the Lex special had Shiera as being different than Shayera or Kendra and that's usually detail that would be missed. - Dave


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