
Jul 4, 2024

Hawkworld News (May-June 2024)

The last two months continued to be quiet for the Hawks. The solicitations for August and September offered nothing new for Hawkman or Hawkgirl. It looks like we'll pass 4 years without a Hawkman comic since Robert Venditti's series ended in November 2024. The current event called Absolute Power has nothing to do with the Hawks. It's almost as if they have been wiped off the DC map for now. Here's to hoping it will get better soon. Here is what we got during May and June. 

Art by Alan Quah

Art by Dan Hipp

Solicitations for August (May 17) 
August 28 - Zero Hour 30th-Anniversary Special #1 
     Hawkman is on a couple of variant covers. 

Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
Art by Mikel Janin

September 25 - Justice Society of America #10 
     This series has been postponed on and off again for what seems like 5 years now. Hawkman has barely shown up in this series so this is probably just a cover appearance. 
September 25 - Action Comics #1069
     Variant cover of Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) by Jode Luis Garcia-Lopez and Joe Prado (Hispanic Hertiage Month) 

James Gunn Celebrates Hawkgirl's First Appearance But...
      On June 17, James Gunn celebrated Hawkgirl/Kendra Saunders' first appearance. He was referring to Kendra's first story in JSA Secret Files and Origins #1, which was released on June 16, 1999. However, Kendra's first appearance was actually in All Star Comics #2, which was released on March 31, 1999. She only appeared on the last page with the other new JSA members but this was her first appearance. I mentioned this in a comment on Gunn's post, but there was no response. Oh, well.  

All Star Comics No. 2
March 31, 1999
JSA Secret Files and Origins
June 16, 1999

Hawkman and Hawkgirl also showed up in some articles on various comic book sites. 

10 Best Hawkman Moments of All Time (From His Greatest Story) 
Where Are DC’s Cities Located? (Midway City and St. Roch are listed.)
10 Best Fighters in The Justice League, Ranked (Lower than Green Arrow? I don't think so.)
DC's 15 Oldest Heroes, Ranked By Age 
25 Major 80s Stars Gets As Imagined As Justice League Heroes & Villains In DC Cast Concept Trailer 
30 Years Later, DC's ZERO HOUR Crossover Matters More than Ever 
SUPERMAN: James Gunn Celebrates Hawkgirl's Anniversary And Reveals Which Iteration Isabela Merced Is Playing 
10 DC Characters Who Keep Getting Younger 
DCs Most Underrated Golden Age Heroes 
Fans Badly Want James Gunn to Bring 2 DC Heroes Back 
10 Forgotten DC Comics That Should've Been Instant Classics (Hawkman has two series on the list!) 

We're hearing that Isabela Merced is on set and start to shoot her scenes for Superman Legacy. Stay tuned for more news from there! 

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