
Jun 25, 2024

The Writers with the Most Hawkman/Hawkgirl Stories

Since their debut in Flash Comics No. 1 (January 1940), Hawkman and Hawkgirl have been written by some of the top writers in the history of comics. Here is a list of the writers with ten or more Hawkman/Hawkgirl stories. These writers have written stories for Hawkman/Hawkgirl series, mini-series, back-up features and one shots. The Hawks have truly been blessed with some of the greatest names in comics history! Check out the amazing list below!

Gardner Fox

John Ostrander

Robert Venditti

1. Gardner Fox: 152 stories (1940-1974)
    Credits: Flash Comics, All-Star Comics, The Brave and the Bold, Mystery in Space, Hawkman Vol. 1, Atom and Hawkman, Detective Comics 

2. John Ostrander: 42 stories (1990-1994) 
    Credits: Hawkworld Vol. 2, Hawkman Vol. 3 

3. Robert Venditti: 29 stories (2018-2021)
    Credits: Hawkman Vol. V 

Geoff Johns
Jimmy Palmiotti
Justin Gray

4. Geoff Johns: 26 stories (2002-2004)
    Hawkman Vol. 4, Hawkman Secret Files and Origins, JSA All Stars
    Note: Geoff Johns also co-scripted The Return of Hawkman in the JSA series, but it's not a Hawkman title, so I have not included those three isses in the count.)

5. Jimmy Palmiotti: 21 stories (2004-2006)
6. Justin Gray: 21 stories (2004-2006)
    Credits: Hawkman Vol. 4 
    Note: Palmiotti and Gray co-scripted the second half of Hawkman Vol. 4. They did an amazing job and made us forget that Johns had left. 

William Messner-Loebs
Walter Simonson
Robert Kanigher

7. William Messner-Loebs: 20 stories (1994-1996)
    Credits: Hawkman Vol. 3 

8. Walter Simonson: 19 stories (2006-2007)
    Credits: Hawkgirl Vol. 1, JSA: Classified 

9. Robert Kanigher; 18 stories (1947-1974)
    Credits: Flash Comics, All-Star Comics, Atom and Hawkman, Detective Comics

Bob Rozakis
Tony Isabella
John Bromme

10. Bob Rozakis: 18 stories (1977-1982)
      Credits: Detective Comics, World's Finest Comics 

11. Tony Isabella: 14 stories (1985-1987)
      Credits: The Shadow War of Hawkman, Hawkman Special 1986, Hawkman Vol. 2

12. John Broome: 13 stories (1947-1949)
      Credits: Flash Comics, All-Star Comics

Timothy Truman
Dan Mishkin

13. Timothy Truman: 13 stories (1989-1993)
      Credits: Hawkworld, Hawkworld Vol. 2, Hawkman Vol. 3 

14. Dan Mishkin: 10 stories (1987)
      Credits: Hawkman Vol. 2 

The last Hawkman series ended in November 2020, and the most recent Hawkgirl title finished up in December of 2023. Hawk fans are eagerly awaiting the next series. Who will be the next writer for the Hawks? Any predictions? Who is on your wish list? Let us know in the comments below! 

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