
Sep 24, 2023

Hawkman and Hawkgirl in the News (Sept 17-23, 2023)


Here are some articles featuring the Hawks that came up across the Internet last week (Sept 17-23).

Cavan Scott and Fico Ossio's "Hawkman and Hawkwoman: The Changeling" has finally been released! Or at least the first few pages of it. Apparently, it's a backup story in Superboy Man of Tomorrow #6. I have not been able to find a version available online yet. Artist Fico Ossio posted some news about it on TwitterX. I'll post a link to read the comic where I find it. And great heads up from DC! (absolutely nothing) 

Posted on Fico Ossio's Twitter 

5 DC Characters a New Game Could Explore Besides Batman (Game Rant)
   I've dreamed of having a Hawkman game to play someday. I had a tiny taste of it in one of the Batman Lego games where I got to bash stuff with a mace and fly around but it was rather lacking. Imagine a game where you can choose Hawkman or Hawkgirl as your character and fly around with the weapons of your choice in locations like Thanagar, Egypt, Midway City, St. Roch, and their spaceships. Throw in their classic villains as the bosses for each stage. Would be so amazing! 

10 Fantastic DC Events With Too Many Tie-In Comics (CBR,com) 
   The Year of the Villain that happened in 2019 was an absolute joke. It interrupted a great Hawkman series for almost a year, and only Robert Venditti's masterful writing saved it to keep the series going as long as it did. Hawkman's Sky Tyrant was one of the Sinister Six but even he didn't even show in the last issue of that storyline. And we still only have that Batman Who Laughs character with Hawkman's wings as the only figure to come out of the Venditti series. He only showed up for a couple of pages in the series but we gotta have that Batman toy. Pass.

Hawkgirl #3 Review by Tim Board  
   I had this series hovering in the 5-7 range the first two issues, but it really went off the cliff with Hawkgirl's sudden rage-listing every man in her life and beating up on some owl-mutant while mistaking him for Carter. I'll stick with this series as an obligation, but wow, this writer is doing some serious projection of her own personal issues onto Hawkgirl. Not a sign of a good writer. 

Covers for Hawkgirl #3
    I didn't see this interview when it came out a few months ago. But someone on Twitter sent me the link to it last week. My eyes rolled back so hard I could see last Sunday. Again, projecting yourself and your own personal sexual identity on a character is not a sign of a writer who respects the character or her history. 

Hawkgirl #3 Reviews (Comicbook Round Up) 
   I realize there are those who liked the comic and aren't as critical about it as I am. Here are some reviews on the favorable side for those of you who are enjoying the comic. We're all entitled to our own opinions! 

DC Comics December 2023 Solicitations (
   First, no Hawkman anywhere.
   DC Comics Solicitations December 2023
   Hawkgirl #6 (final issue) (12/19) 
   Batman-Santa Claus Silent Knight #3 (12/19)
   Green Arrow #7 (12/26) Kendra is on the cover. May just be cover dressing. 

December 2023 Solicitation Covers

That's it for this week! 

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