
Aug 7, 2023

CBR Article: Writer Gardner Fox May Have Been DC's Version of Stan Lee.

   CBR put out an article about who would be DC's Stan Lee, and it basically concludes that Gardner Fox contributed just as much or even more to the world of superhero comics as Stan Lee did. The multiverse, the first superhero teams, and many superheroes are just a few of Gardner Fox's contributions to comics. He may not have created a character as big as Spider-man, Superman, or Batman, but his many creations continue to appear in the comics and movies today. Hawkman, Flash, Doctor Fate, Sandman, and Zatanna are just a few of his creations. There is no doubt that the world of comics would look very, very different without Gardner Fox. I think it's high time he gets the recognition that he deserves. This article is a small step, but very needed. Here's the link to the article.

    If you want to read about Gardner Fox, Jennifer DeRoss wrote a fantastic biography on his life and work in 2019. "The Forgotten All-Star: A Biography of Gardner Fox" is a great account of not only Fox's life, but also a great record of the history of comics itself. Every comic book fan should own a copy. She even managed to mention yours truly in the book as well! An honor I'll never be able to wrap my head around! Here's a link to order the book! 

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