
Jun 11, 2023

Hawkgirl Logo History


When DC Comics announced a new Hawkgirl series in March 2023, we soon got a look at the new logo for the 6-issue miniseries. The logo by Amancay Naheulpan was definitely different from anything Hawkgirl has had before. Until now, her logos were basically versions of Hawkman's logos, but this is something uniquely her own. It's also a clever use of her Nth Metal mace. Fan reaction seems to be pretty positive, and it will definitely claim its place in the history of Hawkgirl logos. 

I was curious how many Hawkgirl there have been in the past so I collected all the ones that I've saved over the years. If there is one that I've missed, feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll check it out!

This logo was never an actual logo on a comic, but I seem to remember that it was from a house ad for a logo comic back in the 1960s. But I haven't been able to locate the actual ad yet. When I do, I'll post it here. 

Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez


   In 1982, artist Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez put out some art of the DC heroes with their logos. These are some of the most famous and popular profile art pieces that DC has ever put out, and they remain popular to this day. Hawkgirl had just recently changed her name to Hawkwoman, so this was the name he used for the art. 

April 1995
Cover of Hawkman Vol. 3 No. 19


   The next one is from 1995, when Hawkwoman (Shayera Thal) was featured for one issue in the series. Steve Lieber did the art for the cover, but it's not clear if he did the title logo as well. Bob Pinaha did the lettering in the issue so it could be him, but no name is listed on the Grand Comics Database.

May 2006
Hawkgirl No. 50


   After Hawkman Vol. 4 ended at issue No. 49 in January 2006, the first-ever Hawkgirl series picked it up from No. 50 and ran for 17 issues. This was again styled after the Hawkman logo for the Vol. 4 series.

February 2020
Cover of Hawkman Vol. V No. 19

   I almost did a backflip when I saw this in the solicitations back in 2019. Hawkwoman was finally joining Hawkman in the Venditti series. The style of the logo used here seems to be from the Hawkman used in the Hawkman Vol. 3 series (1993-1996). The cover is by Pat Oliffe. Not real sure who decided to use this particular style for her return. Looks great though. 

Coming July 2023
Art by Amancay Nahuelpan

   And that brings us to the new series starting in July 2023. As I mentioned earlier, it has a unique look that is all for Hawkgirl. Whether it will stick even after the series ends, or if it will gradually be forgotten is up to us Hawkgirl fans. Go buy the comic and support it! 

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