
Mar 10, 2019

Movie Rumors: Hawkman said to be in the Black Adam movie, then movie with Hawkgirl!

Hawkman vs. Black Adam (Art by Doug Mahnke)
We received news from Charles Murphy on the website that Hawkman is going to be in the Black Adam movie. Apparently writer Adam Szytkiel is wiring a script that includes Hawkman, Stargirl and the Atom Smasher. They are apparently looking for an actor who is between the ages of 30-39 and who has a physique that makes him look like he can go toe-to-toe with Black Adam. Production for the movie is scheduled to begin at the beginning of this year so stay tuned for more news. LINK
Also, Matthew Joseph at the WeGotThisCovered website reported that his has sources confirming that Warner Brothers is planning a Hawkman/Hawkgirl movie. No actors have been announced and there are no other details except that they are looking for a Muslim (???) actor to play the part. LINK
Let's keep our ears open for more news and let's also hope that Black Adam doesn't bomb. There was a Hawkman movie in the works back in 2011, but the Green Lantern movie (2011) killed all plans for that. Let's hope the plans will finally happen this time!

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