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Art by Scott Knoblish |
Welcome to the World of Hawkman and Hawkgirl!
Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)
Mar 22, 2025
DC Comics Solicitations June 2025
CBR: This Controversial Green Lantern Corps Romance Needs to Be Avoided at All Costs
Mar 21, 2025
DC Has Their Own Wolverine (And It’s Not Who You Think) - ComicBook.com
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Art by Bryan Hitch |
There really doesn’t seem to be any character who fits the Wolverine mold, but actually DC has had their own Wolverine for much longer than Wolverine has existed — the leader of the Golden Age Justice Society of America known as Hawkman.Hawkman first appeared in Flash Comics #1 from 1940, his hawk mask, giant wings, and morningstar mace setting him apart from the other early heroes of DC. Looking at Hawkman’s history, there are many, many parallels between him and Wolverine. Hawkman is one of the most complex characters in comics, much like Wolverine, and just needs to find the right portrayal to reach the heights of Marvel’s ol’Canucklehead.
Check out the article! LINK
If you want to know more about the history of Hawkman, here you go!
Mar 15, 2025
Why Hawkman and Hawkwoman Matter: A DC Comics News Article by Matthew Lloyd
Ok. I’m going to TRY to make this POSITIVE. Unfortunately, it’s inspired by the recent appearances of Hawkwoman in Green Lantern Corps. The first two issues have teased something…terrible for fans of the Hawks. It’s easy to get upset and come out swinging with criticism…don’t worry, it’ll come. Eventually. I’m trying to start with lauding the most significant aspect of Hawkman and Hawkwoman/ girl (she shall be Hawkwoman for the remainder of the article as it’s a name change and not necessarily a different character being referenced- unless it is!). So, what’s unique and special about the Hawks? What’s the one thing about them that is significantly different from other characters and why does it set them apart and why does it matter?
Mar 14, 2025
Review of Green Lantern Corps No. 2 (Hawkwoman!)
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Yet Another Geoff Johns Hawkman Omnibus Coming in September
There will be another collection of Geoff Johns' Hawkman series coming out in September 2025. This will be the fourth version of the collection. Hawkman Vol. 4 ran for 49 issues, with Geoff Johns writing the first 25 issues before leaving.
Click here to order.
Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray did most of the writing for the series until the end. But for whatever reason, their stories have never been completely collected. Issues #26-36 have never been included in any of the trades. I realize DC is trying to make money off of Geoff Johns' name for as long and often as they can, but I hope they consider giving the Palmiotti/Gray run the recognition it deserves.
And while I'm at it, Tony Isabella's Shadow War of Hawkman-Vol. 2, John Ostrander's Hawkworld Vol. 2, and Hawkman Vol. 3 have yet to be in any trade or collection. Let's hope we get those soon!
Here is a complete list of all of the Hawkman and Hawkgirl books in collections. LINK
Wanted: Hawkworld Ambassadors!
I've loved Hawkman since I was a kid and the Internet has given me many opportunities to keep him soaring when he doesn't have a book. Please share the Hawkworld links with your friends and help me keep Hawkman and Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman soaring!
Mar 13, 2025
Hawkwoman is back in Green Lantern Corps No. 2!
Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol II) is back! Check out Green Lantern Corps No. 2! Review coming later!
LINK (One Spoiler Panel)

Mar 9, 2025
Hawkworld Reddit! 50 Members in a Month!
LINK: Hawkworld Reddit
Spoiler Review for JSA #5
Cover Date: May 2025 / Release Date March 5
Art: Olortegui
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Letterer: Steve Wands
Editing: Marquis Draper, Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert. Marie Javins