Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Mar 22, 2025

DC Comics Solicitations June 2025

Art by Scott Knoblish

   DC Comics June 2025 solicitations are out! Hawkman and Hawkgirl continue their run in the JSA series, but there is no mention or sighting of Hawkwoman in the Green Lantern Corps this month. There is a new series by Mark Waid called The New History of the DC Universe. It appears to be the history or DC through the eyes of Jay Garrick, at least the first issue is. Not expecting much from this, but we'll see what happens. Here are the details for the three comics, including Green Lantern Corps. 

CBR: This Controversial Green Lantern Corps Romance Needs to Be Avoided at All Costs


   The fan backlash against Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol II) apparently being paired up with John Stewart continues in another great article by Timothy Blake Donohoo. Shayera recently has appeared in the Green Lantern Corps series by Jeremy Adams and Morgan Hampton. When Shayera went to the Green Lanterns for help after Thanagar was destroyed, it was apparent that she has some sort of history with John Stewart. No details have been given, but John Stewart appeared to dread seeing her again. Shayera seemed a bit flirty with him in a couple of scenes. Donohoo focuses on John Stewart's position in the DC universe, or lack of one, but also reminds readers how great the Hawkman series by Robert Venditti was for the Hawks and how it brought them back together. 

Mar 21, 2025

DC Has Their Own Wolverine (And It’s Not Who You Think) -

Art by Bryan Hitch
   Since he hit the mainstream 25 years ago, Wolverine has often been compared to Hawkman. There are similarities and this article by David Harth does a pretty good job of describing the two heroes and how they match up. Personally, I think Hawkman could be a combination of several Marvel characters, Wolverine (healing, fighting), Thor (hammer- mace), Archangel (wings), and maybe even Moira MacTaggert (reincarnation). Take a look at the article and see what you think of the comparisons! LINK
There really doesn’t seem to be any character who fits the Wolverine mold, but actually DC has had their own Wolverine for much longer than Wolverine has existed — the leader of the Golden Age Justice Society of America known as Hawkman.
Hawkman first appeared in Flash Comics #1 from 1940, his hawk mask, giant wings, and morningstar mace setting him apart from the other early heroes of DC. Looking at Hawkman’s history, there are many, many parallels between him and Wolverine. Hawkman is one of the most complex characters in comics, much like Wolverine, and just needs to find the right portrayal to reach the heights of Marvel’s ol’Canucklehead.  

Check out the article! LINK  

If you want to know more about the history of Hawkman, here you go!

Check out Hawkworld on: 

Mar 15, 2025

Why Hawkman and Hawkwoman Matter: A DC Comics News Article by Matthew Lloyd


   Matthew Lloyd wrote a great article for DC Comics News about the apparent return of the Shayera Hol and John Stewart's relationship and why Hawkman and Hawkwoman belong together. 
Ok. I’m going to TRY to make this POSITIVE. Unfortunately, it’s inspired by the recent appearances of Hawkwoman in Green Lantern Corps. The first two issues have teased something…terrible for fans of the Hawks. It’s easy to get upset and come out swinging with criticism…don’t worry, it’ll come. Eventually. I’m trying to start with lauding the most significant aspect of Hawkman and Hawkwoman/ girl (she shall be Hawkwoman for the remainder of the article as it’s a name change and not necessarily a different character being referenced- unless it is!). So, what’s unique and special about the Hawks? What’s the one thing about them that is significantly different from other characters and why does it set them apart and why does it matter?
   He also graciously included some of my article on the history of the Hawks. Check out the full article here and leave a comment for if you can! 

Mar 14, 2025

Review of Green Lantern Corps No. 2 (Hawkwoman!)

Green Lantern Corps No. 1

Green Lantern Corps No. 2

    Hawkwoman has finally made her return to the DC Universe in the Green Lantern Corps series. As far as we know, this is still the version we saw in the Hawkman series by Robert Venditti (2019-2021, issues No. 18-29). She is Shayera Hol, the Empress of Thanagar and the eternal love of Hawkman (Carter Hall III). They were finally freed from their reincarnation curse and chose to live their last life together. We've seen them in short stories during the past few years, traveling the universe together. 

DC's Love is a Battlefield (2021)

Yet Another Geoff Johns Hawkman Omnibus Coming in September

   There will be another collection of Geoff Johns' Hawkman series coming out in September 2025. This will be the fourth version of the collection. Hawkman Vol. 4 ran for 49 issues, with Geoff Johns writing the first 25 issues before leaving.
Click here to order.

Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray did most of the writing for the series until the end. But for whatever reason, their stories have never been completely collected. Issues #26-36 have never been included in any of the trades. I realize DC is trying to make money off of Geoff Johns' name for as long and often as they can, but I hope they consider giving the Palmiotti/Gray run the recognition it deserves. 

And while I'm at it, Tony Isabella's Shadow War of Hawkman-Vol. 2, John Ostrander's Hawkworld Vol. 2, and Hawkman Vol. 3 have yet to be in any trade or collection. Let's hope we get those soon! 

Here is a complete list of all of the Hawkman and Hawkgirl books in collections. LINK

Wanted: Hawkworld Ambassadors!


Wanted: Hawkworld Ambassadors!
I've loved Hawkman since I was a kid and the Internet has given me many opportunities to keep him soaring when he doesn't have a book. Please share the Hawkworld links with your friends and help me keep Hawkman and Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman soaring! 

Mar 13, 2025

Hawkwoman is back in Green Lantern Corps No. 2!

 Hawkwoman (Shayera Hol II) is back! Check out Green Lantern Corps No. 2! Review coming later! 

LINK (One Spoiler Panel)

Mar 9, 2025

Hawkworld Reddit! 50 Members in a Month!

 Hawkworld Reddit just got started exactly a month ago and we reached 50 members today! Daily posting of Hawkworld art, comics, info and news so come join us if you are on Reddit! 

LINK: Hawkworld Reddit

Spoiler Review for JSA #5

JSA No. 5 
Cover Date: May 2025 / Release Date March 5 
Title: Ragnarok Part 5 
Writer: Jeff Lemire 
Art: Olortegui 
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Letterer: Steve Wands 
Cover: Cully Hamner 
Editing: Marquis Draper, Andrew Marino, Katie Kubert. Marie Javins 

   The Hawks are back and the story is really starting to move in all different directions! Spoilers ahead, so if you haven't read the comic yet, please check it out and come back to add your thoughts in the comment section below!